Pain Management Master Clinician Series
– Sharpen Your Skills In 30 Minutes or Less
Watch a previously recorded live webinar!
You are invited to participate in our FREE, 30-minute previously recorded live Zoom webinars* on “can’t-miss” topics presented by the Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts faculty. Click the links in the chart below to watch the archived webinars on your time.
*Master Clinician Series are non-CME.

Brett Snodgrass FNP-C, CPE, ACHPN, FAANP
3 Mistakes Clinicians Make With Chronic Pain Patients
Recorded 1/7/2022
Caring for a chronic pain patient can be frustrating and trying. This discussion will provide tips for caring for these patients – things to look for and things to consider. Take away practical pearls in just 30 minutes and bring your brain for some lunchtime fun and learning!

Theresa Mallik-Searle, MS, PMGT-BC, ANP-BC
Are there Options Other than Opioids for Pain Management in the Underinsured?
Recorded 11/4/2022
The greatest challenges to practicing multidisciplinary pain management in the community setting include cost, access, clinician education, and patient acceptance. Join us for this can’t-miss session as we explore the importance of multidisciplinary pain management, provide easy access to resources, and empower the community clinician to practice comprehensive pain management for improved outcomes with some of their most challenging patients.

Jeremy Adler, DMSc, PA-C
It’s 5 pm on Friday and They “Lost” Their Opioid Prescription . . . Approach Aberrant Behaviors with Confidence
Recorded 11/3/2023
Despite significant efforts to de-emphasize opioid therapies for chronic pain, some patients remain medically appropriate candidates when non-opioid treatments are inadequate. If behaviors arise that suggest prescription misuse, abuse, or diversion, clinicians are challenged to know how to proceed. Join us for this “can’t-miss” session for strategies to help you assess these behaviors and formulate a treatment plan with confidence!
“This is my second time, hidden secret will share this site with others.”
“Wonderful presentation!!! Thank you so much!!”
“I am so glad that you covered talking about the entire person & their essential needs. When they are not met the rest of the medical visit does not matter.”