Orthopedics Master Clinician Series
– Sharpen Your Skills In 30 Minutes or Less
Watch a previously recorded live webinar!
You are invited to participate in our FREE, 30-minute previously recorded live Zoom webinars* on “can’t-miss” topics presented by the Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts faculty. Click the links in the chart below to watch the archived webinars on your time.
*Master Clinician Series are non-CME.

Laurel Short, DNP, FNP-C
5 Pearls for Peak Spine Assessment
Recorded 2/5/2021
Feel overwhelmed when you see a chief complaint of neck or back pain on your schedule? Join us for top tips to organize your approach to the spine. Is the problem truly from the neck or back – or a nearby area like the shoulder or hip? A lively case-based approach will demonstrate how to incorporate other common musculoskeletal differentials in your workup.

Tom Gocke, DMSc, ATC, PA-C, DFAAPA
Acute Monoarthritis – A Pain In the . . .
Recorded 6/4/2021
Acute monoarthritis is a common complaint seen in Urgent Care, Emergency Department and Primary Care. A delay in accurate evaluation, diagnosis and treatment can lead to adverse patient outcomes. This session will drill down into differential diagnosis, diagnostic study evaluation and treatment of the more common monoathritis conditions. Take away practical pearls in just 30 minutes and bring your brain for some lunchtime fun and learning!

Jerry Weniger, PhD, ATC, PA-C
A Twist & Pop of the Knee: Tips to Quickly Assess Effusions
Recorded 6/3/2022
Acute knee injuries, especially those that cause joint effusions, can be difficult to assess for the primary care clinician. But an injury-specific history and a focused physical exam can reveal a lot! This 30-minute overview will provide the knowledge and understanding you need to accurately differentiate intra-articular pathology. So join us during your lunch break for a quick learning session and take away practical pearls!

Christopher Hemmer, DNP, ANP-BC, ONP-C, FAANP
Nothing Funny About a Broken Humerus: A Look at the Top 5 Fractures Encountered in Practice
Recorded 10/7/2022
What are the top 5 most common fractures encountered in clinical practice? During this fun 30-minute session, we’ll review the top 5 fractures – from typical presentation to radiographic findings, and finally, initial treatment recommendations. Buckle in as we examine radiographic interpretations and any further imaging that may be indicated. We’ll wrap up (time permitting) with rapid fire of clinical x-rays with fractures for identification. Be there or be square!

Karen M. Myrick, DNP, APRN, FNP, ONP, FAAN
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Recorded 3/3/2023
This Master Clinician Series will discuss the top 2 differential diagnoses for sports injuries to the head, shoulders, knees and toes! Learn what history and physical examination topics are key and how you can walk into clinical
singing a catchy tune with your new skills. Don’t miss this!
Check out Karen’s video: Watch here

Christopher Hemmer, DNP, ANP-BC, ONP-C, FAANP
Nothing Funny About a Broken Humerus: A Look at the Top 5 Fractures Encountered in Practice
Recorded 8/4/2023
What are the top 5 most common fractures encountered in clinical practice? During this fun 30-minute session, we’ll review the top 5 fractures – from typical presentation to radiographic findings, and finally, initial treatment recommendations. Buckle in as we examine radiographic interpretations and any further imaging that may be indicated. We’ll wrap up (time permitting) with a rapid-fire of clinical X-rays with fractures for identification. Be there or be square!
Check out Christopher’s video: Watch here

Zack Lerner, DNP, ARN
Practice Makes Better . . . Improving Comfort Levels in Evaluating & Treating a Patient in Need of Orthopedic intervention
Friday 3/1/2024
12:00 PM EST
They say practice makes perfect – the more you work at something the better you get. For those not well versed, seeing a patient in the office who needs an orthopedic evaluation and intervention can be nerve racking. While most of our programs have some degree of orthopedic content, it is certainly not a focus and can quickly wane over time if we’re not consistently performing orthopedic exams in volume. In this brief 30-minute lunch and learn, we’re going to review several case studies that will include appropriate HPI, exam, and treatment options (pharm and interventional) regarding common presentations in an orthopedic setting. Join us . . . will be fun!

Laurel Short, DNP, FNP-C
Making Sense of Migraine
Friday 6/7/2024
12:00 PM EST
Not sure where to start with your headache assessment? Join us for top tips to organize your approach to feeling confident with migraine diagnosis and initial treatment. Can you really perform a comprehensive headache visit in 30 minutes or less? The answer is yes! Join Dr. Laurel Short for an engaging session that will have you ready to efficiently differentiate migraine from other types of primary and secondary headache.

Gerald Weniger, PhD, ATC, PA-C
Don’t Shoulder the Burden: Quickly Differentiating Overhead Shoulder Pain
Friday 8/2/2024
12:00 PM EST
Shoulder pain that’s worse with overhead motion is an extremely common patient complaint in Primary Care and Urgent Care settings. Can you clinically differentiate between tendonitis, rotator cuff tears, bursitis, and impingement? Yes, you can! This 30-minute presentation will provide the knowledge and understanding you need to feel confident in making a diagnosis and a plan moving forward. Join us for some fast-paced lunchtime learning!

Christopher Hemmer, DNP, ANP-BC, ONP-C, FAANP, FNAON
These Joints Are Legal in All 50 States
Friday 11/1/2024
12:00 PM EST
Get high on knowledge as we address two of the major joints that patients present with complaints of pain or injury – the knee and shoulder. We’ll review the working anatomy followed by various provocative testing maneuvers used for assessment. A video demonstration and discussion of these techniques will be included. Come roll with us!
“This is my second time, hidden secret will share this site with others.”
“Wonderful presentation!!! Thank you so much!!”
“I am so glad that you covered talking about the entire person & their essential needs. When they are not met the rest of the medical visit does not matter.”