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Dermatology Case Studies

You enter your clinic and see that the first patient of the day is Michael.  He is on your schedule for a “rash”.  Michael is 26 years old, has not been able to keep a job or have an intimate relationship due to this “rash”.  His skin […]

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The WAP Controversy

While Cardi B’s WAP song has elicited a lot of attention to vaginal lubrication especially during arousal, being “wet” does not always line up with being sexually aroused. Wait, what? Yes, you heard me correct. Drum roll, please…we use the term arousal non-concordance to describe this phenomenon.

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Resources to recommend to a parent after making the diagnosis of ADHD

Noah is a second grader who you recently diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) combined type. His parents are involved and concerned about their son’s diagnosis. They have questions about behavioral and medication treatment options, but they worry about the short-term and long-term side effects of medications. In

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Abstract  Subungual hematomas can be a painful injury involving either the fingers or toes. Recognition of nailbed lacerations accompanying subungual hematomas is a diagnostic necessity. Treatment varies from simple evacuation to a complicated procedure requiring nail plate removal and laceration repair. In the case of open tuft


The Fussy Infant

Background  During the first three months of life, neonates cry more than any other time in infancy and childhood. During the first six weeks of life, infants cry an average of 117 to 133 minutes per day, and by 12 weeks, infants are crying about 60 to

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