
Dermatology CME

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Explore leading topics in Dermatology CME such as recognizing Melanoma and Non-Melanoma skin cancer, making sense of topical medications, diagnosing skin infections, and more.

CME On-Demand Courses Include

Language – English

Access On Desktop, Tablet & Mobile

Package 1: 13 CME Credit Hours (Rx=2.50)

Valid Until August 8, 2024

Package 1 – Get the “Skin”ny on Drug Reactions, Skin Lesions, Cancer and Psoriasis & More!

Classes by Lakshi Aldredge, MSN, ANP-BC, DCNP

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Approach to the Patient with Cutaneous Disorders

Does your heart sink when you see a patient on your schedule with the dreaded “skin rash”? Then this session is for you! We will provide a fun and interactive, case-based overview of approaching the patient with a skin complaint. We will review common dermatologic nomenclature, what clues to look for to help nail the diagnosis and provide important tips on managing and educating your patients. This is the “fundamentals in dermatology” session that we all wish we had in our clinical, educational programs!

Overview of Papulosquamous Disorders

This session will provide an engaging overview of the most common skin conditions seen in dermatology, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and all those under red itchy rashes and bumps! You’ll have fun viewing many skin condition images and identifying clinical features to help distinguish one skin rash from another. We will also be providing the latest evidence-based guidelines on common conditions so you will be fully updated and “in the know”!

Infectious Disorders of the Skin (Rx=0.50)

This session will provide you with a comprehensive overview on the management of common bacterial, viral and fungal cutaneous conditions from Impetigo to Lyme Disease. Wondering if you need to do a biopsy or send a tissue culture or bacteria swab? We’ll provide you with the latest updates on the most appropriate tests to obtain the correct diagnosis. We will also be updating you on the latest information on the cutaneous manifestations of the COVID-19 virus and treatment management.

What’s New in the Dermatology Drug Cupboard? (Rx=0.75)

Confounded by that pesky skin rash? What to do with that skin infection? This session will give you the most up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of common skin conditions. We will review therapeutic classes of topical and systemic medications, treatment parameters, monitoring guidelines, and patient teaching pearls. You’ll leave this session feeling confident and prepared to treat the most challenging dermatologic conditions.

Diagnostic Dilemmas in Dermatology (Rx=0.25)

Put your knowledge to practice in this fun and interactive case-based session. We will present some common and not-so-common clinical cases of dermatological dilemmas and help you come up with the best answer. Grab your Sherlock Holmes hat and magnifying glass and prepare to be pleasantly puzzled!

Classes by Cynthia Griffith, MPAS, PA-C

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Psoriasis: Presentation, Exacerbators and Treatment

Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is increasingly being recognized as a systemic inflammatory disorder. According to current studies, more than 8 million Americans have psoriasis. A rapidly expanding body of literature supports additional associations between psoriasis and cardiometabolic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney disease, malignancy, infection, and mood disorders. Given the variety of manifestations of this condition, education of healthcare providers is essential to ensuring comprehensive medical care for patients with psoriasis. This session will provide an update on the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis.

Benign Skin Lesions Uncoded

Can you recognize benign skin lesions from cancerous ones? So much of skin lesion identification and diagnosis is pattern recognition. This is a photo-filled talk that will expand your clinical diagnostic skills and ability to visually diagnose seborrheic keratoses, dermatofibromas, cherry angiomas, venous lakes so that you can distinguish them from skin cancer.

Dermatologic Drugs and Drug Reactions (Rx=0.75)

What is the difference between a cream and a lotion? In the first half of this two-part talk, we will review common dermatologic drugs, vehicles and their uses. In the second half of the talk, we will discuss drug reactions ranging from the serious Toxic Epidermal Necrosis and Steven Johnson Syndrome to the benign. This lecture will demystify common medication culprits that cause drug reactions as well as initial labs to elucidate severe from self-limited drug rashes.

Skin Cancer Explained (Rx=0.25)

The majority of skin lesions are benign, but when do you need to worry or biopsy? Skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer. Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma could be cancers that you either diagnose or miss on a daily basis. This lecture will equip you to look at a spot and recognize concerning clinical features, be equipped to take the next step and biopsy the site, and have the knowledge to direct treatment of the cancer with medical or surgical treatments.

Common Culprits in Pediatric and Adult Dermatology (Rx=0.50)

Every clinician that sees children and adults could benefit from this refresher on everything that is common in skin disease. In this case-based discussion, we will cover diagnosis and treatment tips for acne, warts, fungal infections, atopic dermatitis, and more. This will be a fast-paced and high-yield discussion packed with clinical pearls that you can use every day in your clinical practice.