By: Kevin Rebeck, PA-C
Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in our life time. We as practitioners will remain on the forefront of decision making as to how well our patient population will live and survive in the future. It is our responsibility to not only make competent, but also confident decisions with our patients, and with the Cardiovascular track our objectives will be to educate you to add to your core knowledge base the newest American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology recommendations on treating your patient population. We will reveive the newest JNC-8 Hypertension guidelines and their impact on : Acute Coronary Syndrome, Atrial Fibrilation, Congestive Heart Failure –both systolic and diastolic, as well as recognizing the potential for future vascular syndrome ‘s including a look at the rise of Acute Aortic syndromes. These presentations will add to your confidence in how your decisions are made with your own patient populations, for better outcomes and long term care of your vascular patients.
Kevin is a DMGCME speaker for the Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts track. See Kevin speak this June in Walt Disney World, FL.